
Eye of the beholder 3 version 1.0
Eye of the beholder 3 version 1.0

Bivariate behavior genetic analyses were conducted on approximately 1,650 twin and sibling pairs drawn from a large longitudinal study of adolescent health (Add Health).

eye of the beholder 3 version 1.0

The present study estimated the contribution of these processes to the association between maltreatment and conduct problems. However, the association may be due alternatively to either a nonpassive gene-environment correlation, in which parents react to children’s genetically-influenced conduct problems by maltreating them, or a passive gene-environment correlation, in which parents’ tendency to engage in maltreatment and children’s conduct problems are both influenced by a hereditary vulnerability to antisocial behavior (i.e. It is often assumed that childhood maltreatment causes conduct problems via an environmentally mediated process. Guidelines are formulated to refine assessment and optimize clinical decision-making processes. Potential explanations for the lack of agreement are discussed. Disagreement between informants was highest for internalizing problems. Agreement between mother and father reports was highest, whereas agreement between mother and teacher reports was lowest. This was shown by the intercorrelations, the explained variance in regression analyses and the little overlap in the number of children rated as behaviorally disturbed by all 3 informants. Findings indicated that interrater agreement was low to moderate. This study examined correspondence and disagreement between mother, father, and teacher reports of problem behavior by analyzing CBCL and TRF data of 2 nonclinical samples of 5- to 6-year-old preschool children (N = 424). Few studies, however, focus on agreement between informants in specific age groups.

eye of the beholder 3 version 1.0

Evidence exists that there is low agreement between multiple informants reporting on children's and adolescents' behavior problems.

Eye of the beholder 3 version 1.0